Menu Plan Monday: Fluttering is still Flying

  • Posted on May 7, 2012 at 9:26 am

Be not afraid of going slowly; be afraid only of standing still.
~Chinese Proverb

So I have been a Flylady person off and on over the years – I don’t follow the system exactly (or at all sometimes), but I’ve found most of her principles are right on – things like setting a timer and workign for 15 minutes (so helpful), jumping in where we are, and using routines. So I incorporate those things into my own system as much as possible.

One thing she tells her followers, when they mention that they aren’t really “flying” (following the system), but only “fluttering” (trying) – is that fluttering is still flying.  In other words, don’t give up just because you aren’t doing it exactly right.  Keep going, and you’ll get there eventually.

So that’s my motto for this week, because last week was kind of a meal planning fail.  Some of it was stuff  I didn’t know in time to plan for, and some of it was just fail on my part.  Here’s what last week looked like:

Monday: I actually have no idea what we ate.  Not what was planned, probably sandwiches.

Tuesday: Put bread in the oven to go with Chicken Alfredo – and then the neighbors invited us out for a picnic lunch with their church at the park.  So I took the bread out and we went and joined them, and the kids had a blast.

Wednesday: Ate Long John Silvers. Sort of the plan, dinner out at least.

Thursday: Was going to cook tacos, realized at the very last minute that we had no ground beef and I hadn’t been to the store.  Had a good cry, because it was that kind of week, and fixed tuna helper instead.

Friday: Soft tacos.  Finally.

Saturday: Homemade hamburgers.  Since we had bought fresh hamburger the night before, haha.

Sunday: Frozen pizza (huzzah! on plan!)

This week, I’m hoping to be a little more on target.  I looked through the pantry and freezer this time, to see what we had on hand, and we already went out and did the shopping (yesterday).  So, here’s the plan!

Menu Plan Monday at OrgJunkie.comMonday: Manwich (to use up the hamburger buns)

Tuesday: Chicken Alfredo, French Bread, salad

Wednesday: Dinner out.

Thursday: Homemade pizza (to use up some tomato sauce)

Friday: Pork chops, rice, veggies

Saturday: Chicken noodle soup in the crock pot, homemade biscuits

Sunday: Free day – because it’s mother’s day, we’re not locked into the Daddy-cooks-frozen-pizza-while-everyone-is-at-Awana plan, so we’ll do something else. Maybe go out – or not, I’m sure the lines will be long, lol.

For more Menu Plan Monday posts, head over to OrgJunkie!

New Beauty Test Tube: Spring 2012

  • Posted on May 5, 2012 at 12:05 pm

So I mentioned the other day that I was trying out some new “beauty box” type services, in order to try some new products and figure out what works for me, etc.  I’ts also kind of a “mommy treat” for me, as I get to try new things and pamper items without spending a whole lot of money and then discovering I don’t like a product.

I’m going to try a few of these services, and stick with the one I like the best.  But the first one I received is the New Beauty Test Tube.  First, a little background.  The Test Tube comes out four times a year, and costs $29.95.  Unlike many of the similar services out there, they do charge for shipping, so figure in another $10 for each shipment – the cost per month evens out to between $13-$14 per month, making it a little more expensive than the others. But! They offer full sized products or deluxe sized samples, so you get a lot for it. And a full sized beauty magazine (which, like Glamor and the like, is mostly ads.  But still).

Here’s what came in the box:

Product guide, magazine, test tube

And here’s all the goodies that were in the tube:

Tons of samples!

First off, I picked a great time to join, apparently, because not only was Kate Beckinsale on the cover of the magazine, one of the full sized products in the tube is something to make hair NOT FRIZZY.  If anyone can test this stuff, it’s me, with my super frizz-ball hair, in Houston, in May. Ha!

I’ll review everything in the tube once I’ve had more of chance to try it out, but I will say that I am initially impressed by most of the stuff in there.  Although the Spa Look gift cards aren’t gift cards per say – more like coupons, because they have a (fairly high) minimum purchase required for each. But, not including those, the tube this season included a full size eyeliner, full-size eye shadow stick, full-size lotion, full-size hair care product, deluxe sample sizes (some of which are very generous) of four different face products, and two small sample size fragrances (which still amount to several uses each).  Looking around, the retail value of just the full sized products is over $95 -so it’s a pretty good deal (acknowledging the fact that I never would have paid full price for all of these things without trying them).

So!  Look for reviews, coming in the next few days as I use the products more!

7 Quick Takes

  • Posted on May 4, 2012 at 11:54 am

— 1 —

So I was just sent this news story. Someone apparently shot the Saturn V rocket in Huntsville.  Could have been n accident (not the firing of the gun, but the fact that it entered the Davidson Center and hit the rocket). Thankfully no one was hurt.

Have I ever mentioned how attached I am to Saturn V rockets?  That particular one used to lie in the back of Rocket Park outside the USSRC, and I loved walking by it when I worked there – the sheer size of it was overwhelming and amazing.  Then, they built a replica of it next to the center (which was a huge politics issue, and ultimately the full plan for a gantry and restaurant, etc,was never finished – just the rocket.

And it was under that replica that Chad and I more or less started dating. Not that we would have admitted it at the time.  When we drive into Huntsville for visits, I love seeing that rocket – it means we’re almost there.  In some strange way, the rocket is home in a way that other places in Huntsville are not. Chad and I joke about buying it to go in our yard, if the HOA would let us (the fact that the base of the rocket is larger than our yard is beside the point).

I was very excited when they moved the real Saturn V to the Davidson Center – it’s really nice, and I love how they are protecting it and displaying it.  And now I’m sad because someone shot it, and I have no idea why.  It seems like a pretty freak accident, if that’s what it was.

Anyway.  Enough space nostalgia. I hope they find out who did it and why.

— 2 —

Brianna still climbs up in bed with me about 2 nights a week or so.  Something will wake her up, and she’ll come snuggle until she goes back to sleep, and at some point I get tired of being kicked/poked/not having enough space, and I carry her back to her bed to wait out the rest of the night.  Or when I turn the light on in the morning, she decides her room is nicer because it’s dark, and scampers off to bed for a few more minutes.

So when she climbed into my bed two nights ago, telling me she was cold, I just rolled over and gave her some covers.  She was right – her legs were freezing!  But I felt nothing wet, and was too tired to ask questions.  So I went back to sleep.  Eventually, I carried her back to her bed, only to discover her sheets were soaked. She had wet the bed, gotten up and changed underwear and then gotten in bed with me.  Which totally makes sense, I guess, if you’re cold.

We has a middle of the night chat about letting mommy know then these things happen, and I changed her sheets and sent her back to bed.

Last night, when she crawled into my bed cold, I thought for a minute and asked “Is your bed wet?”.  Luckily, it was not.

— 3 —

Benjamin has entered the age of the tantrums.  Full blown, laying on the floor, screaming tantrums.  I have no idea what to do with this, any more than i did when Brianna did it.  He too young for logic, so I end up trying to separate him from whatever is causing the tantrum, distracting him, and holding him until it’s over.  But he’s becoming less distractable – maybe because his memory is better?  My point is, it takes more than a banana or some tickles to make him stop screaming.  If two is going to be this bad, I might just ship him off until he’s four.  Not really.  But maybe.

— 4 —

I have been trying (badly at times, like yesterday) to do more fun/educational stuff with the kids.  Brianna has been painting sun catchers, using scissors, writing with dry erase markers, and I even have some beads for her to string on pipe cleaners this weekend or next week to practice patterns and counting.  Bu I’m kind of at a loss for what to do with Benjamin -he’s only a year and a half, so he still puts pretty much everything in his mouth.  I’m thinking I might try homemade (edible) playdough this weekend?  But I would love some more ideas.

Any advice?

— 5 —

Chad discovered that Brianna really likes soccer.  And she’s actually kids of good at it (ie, better than me at chasing/kicking the ball, which probably doesn’t say much, but really, she’s 3). So we are starting to look at soccer leagues.  OMG.  The prices.  I have been so spoiled by our daycare, that offers Stretch-n-Grow and Ballet classes for $35/month/each.  So going into this, I was thinking, sure, soccer’s probably a little more.  Like $40/month, plus cleats, etc.

HAHAHA.  Summer session, which is 6-8 weeks, depending on the league, is $100-$150 depending on the league.  There are a couple of options for 3 year old’s in town, all claim to be positive and fun and blah blah blah.  No idea if we’re going to do it, or put it off another little while because she’s little, we’re lazy, and it’s expensive.

— 6 —

In looking for free concerts to take the kids too, in order to see if they will enjoy it/behave enough for us to buy the family symphony tickets, I stumbled upon the fee schedule for Pearland ISD Dawson High School’s Diamonds (the nationally ranked dance team).  Let’s just say soccer fees are the least of my worries. $600 just for costumes.  Plus fees for trips, competition, other fees, etc – it looked like over $2000.  For a year.

Brianna will need a part-time job to support that type of habit, if she goes that route in high school.  Because man, is that a lot of money.  Maybe soccer isn’t so expensive after all.

— 7 —

I have thrown away/recycled a small trash can full of empty sample packets and little bottles and such this week.  Most  empty, some not. Decluttering for the win! I’ve found a few winners in my sample pile, though – I’ll try to blog about them later.

I also am looking at some sample beauty box programs, trying to find some good products that work with my skin/hair/everything. I started with New Beauty TestTube, and just got my first tube, so I have some posts that should be coming up on that as well.  Not that I want this to turn into a beauty blog or anything – I just want to record what works for me and what I should look into buying later, when I run out of samples, haha.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Five Minute Friday: Real

  • Posted on May 4, 2012 at 9:33 am

On Fridays, Gypsy Mama holds a blog carnival where we all stop and write for five minutes – no editing, no over-thinking, just write. Care to join us?

This week’s topic is: Real

When I saw today’s prompt, it made me think of The Velveteen Rabbit – the part where one of the other toys, I think it was the horse, is telling the rabbit about being Real, and how it hurts, but you don’t mind because you are Real, and how once you are Real, you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.

With this blog’s “new beginning”, I have been faced with a real struggle here on how real to be – it’s the Internet, it’s out there for everyone to see.  And while I’m not trying to build a brand or get a million readers or whatever…  I hesitate to scare anyone off or make them think less of me.  When I have been real in the past, I’ve met mixed  responses – from strangers, friends, and family.  Maybe I’m too real, or maybe I have too many sharp edges to become real – I just don’t know some times.

So here’s to being real.  My laundry is mostly caught up, but always thisclose to being a disaster. Currently, there are towels in the dryer, and clothes on my dining room table – the one we eat dinner at – waiting to be folded when I get home.  My living room looks like it was struck by the toy-pocalypse, even though I’ve cleaned it a dozen times this week. My mom and I are still not talking, almost a year later.  I had lofty intentions of doing crafts with Brianna last night, but after I found myself crying in the pantry because we were out of hamburger meat and I didn’t go to the store and so we couldn’t have tacos, I made tuna helper, helped Chad work with her on some writing, and set the kids in front of the TV for an hour while they climbed on me and I tried to read a magazine.  I yell far more often than I should.  My bathroom counter is a disaster, and even though I’ve tried to fix it, I can’t seem to keep it clear.  I plan a lot more than I do. STOP.

I could have written so much more. Being real is addictive, but also scary.

Things I Love Thursdays! Downy Unstopables

  • Posted on May 3, 2012 at 2:16 pm

Apparently, it is laundry week here.  We have to celebrate our wins, I suppose, and laundry is about the only win I can think of at the moment.  So here goes!

I have totally fallen in love with Downy Unstopables. My mother-in-law gave me some at Christmas when she was culling down her coupon stockpile, and neither of us was really sure we needed “extra scent” in our laundry, but i figured I would try it out.

It works amazingly well!  The scent stays in the clothes after you dry them, but it’s not so strong that  it’s over-powering.  I love using it on my towels and sheets, because it makes them smell so fresh!  A bottle lasts a long time, too.

It comes in two scents, Fresh (which is kind of spring smelling) and Was Lush (which is kind of lavender-ish).  I prefer Fresh, but both are good.  Brianna loves putting it it the wash though (we call it “laundry sprinkles”, because that’s just fun – and laundry should be as fun as possible.)

For more Things I Love Thursdays, head over to Be The Difference!

I didn’t get anything for posting this, free products or otherwise. But that is an Amazon affiliate link. 

WFMW: Laundry Soap Hack

  • Posted on May 2, 2012 at 9:28 pm

It’s not really a “hack”, I guess, so much as a tip that I found life alteringly profound when I discovered it (seriously, people.  It’s the little things).

So  I discovered this at my cousin’s house over Christmas, watching her do a load of laundry. She pulled the liquid soap off the shelf – and instead of pouring the soap into the lid, and then trying to rinse out the lid in the washer and put it back on the bottle (my method) – she got an extra lid off the shelf, poured the soap in, poured it into the washer – and dropped the extra lid in the washer.  The clean lid went back on the soap, and she got the extra lid out of the washer when she put the clothes in the dryer.  Totally. Genius.  No more stick laundry soap bottles or drippy lids.

I improved on it slightly when I got home by marking the fill line in the extra lid with a sharpie.  Now I know exactly how much soap to put in, and it works every time.  The line hasn’t washed out, either, and it’s been a couple of months.

So that’s my totally genius laundry hack.

Hello Mornings!

  • Posted on May 2, 2012 at 8:11 am

So I’ve done this Hello Mornings thing a couple of times, and done well some of the time, and fell off the wagon some of the time (welcome to my life, yo).   But it’s back!  For summer!  And my mornings are awful right now.  So I’m jumping back on the wagon, and hoping to get-er-done this time :-)

Here’s the link to register if you want more.  It’s geared towards moms, but who doesn’t need a good motivation to get up a little earlier, have a good morning, and spend some time with God?

MPM: Let’s try this again

  • Posted on April 30, 2012 at 7:53 am

Menu Plan Monday at OrgJunkie.comSo, I totally, completely fell off the meal-planning band wagon for a couple of weeks.  I mean, really.  And you know what?  It was awful.  We ate out a few more times that we should have, but mostly it was just a scramble every night to get *something* on the table to eat.  So here it goes again, and hopefully I can stick to it.

Monday: Chicken Alfredo, French Bread, salad

Tuesday: Soft tacos

Wednesday: Eat at Sam’s Club (or someplace out, at any rate).

Thursday: BBQ chicken, baked beans, veggies

Friday: Italian-Style Ham Primavera

Saturday: Chicken noodle soup in the crock pot, homemade biscuits

Sunday: Frozen pizza

For more Menu Plan Monday posts, head over to OrgJunkie!

7 Quick Takes

  • Posted on April 28, 2012 at 1:18 pm

— 1 —

It’s totally Saturday.  I know.  yesterday was long, and this sat as a draft waiting for me to finish it.  I only now have time – and only if my kids behave for more than 30 seconds at a time. (ETA: they did not.  I had to finish at naptime, haha)

— 2 —

I love that Chad is musically talented, and can share that with the kids.  A couple of nights a week, before bedtime, they all go into the music room where the kids can play with various toy instruments, bang on the keyboard, and dance to music as their Daddy plays guitar, banjo, or mellophone.

Brianna makes up her own songs, and words, and demands that we let her perform them over and over.  Her latest craze is ROCK.  She says “I’m gonna go ROCK!”, then she goes to the Rock Band drums, says “1, 2… 1, 2, 3″ and starts banging wildly while screaming “I like to ROCK!!”.  Hilarious.

Benjamin just recently has started singing (recognizable) songs, which is adorable.  He’s been singing ABCs for a couple of weeks, but this morning he sang Winnie-the-Pooh and Twinkle, Twinkle.  He loves to hit things with the drum sticks, but isn’t as big on Rock as Brianna, haha.

— 3 —

In my quest for the Perfect System ™ for managing life, work, etc, I’ve finally decided to start looking into GTD.  Power of Moms has a program that I got in free that tailors the system to Moms (imagine that), so I’m planning on starting it this weekend, and seeing how far I get.  Not sure if this is the new Perfect System or not, but it’s worth a try, right?  Also, it doesn’t require me buying a whole lot of extra crap, so that’s certainly a bonus.

So! If you have any GTD resources, or even another system that seems to work really well for you, please share!

— 4 —

I love this (Cracked’s guide to fonts).  Fonts are a big deal here – yes, we’re designers. Thanks.  Also, this (What type of artist are you?).  I’m somewhere between graphic designer and Microsoft painter, lol.

— 5 —

I thought maybe my kids had reached the age where I could take a shower while they watched TV for a couple of minutes this morning (Chad’s at the doctor).  I was totally wrong, and hopped out of the shower 10 minutes later to discover no one watching TV, Benjamin and half the kids’ bathroom covered in shampoo, and Brianna running around with “little bibles” (our passports) that she “rescued” from the “treasure box” (fire safe) so the pirates wouldn’t steal them.  Luckily she did this after she dumped the shampoo on Benjamin, and somehow without sliming/otherwise damaging our passports.

So, after cleaning Benjamin, the bathroom, and relocking/hiding the keys to the fire safe, I’m thinking the TV is not all it’s cracked up to be.

— 6 —

I’ve discovered I love throwing empty things away.  (or recycling them, but getting them out of the house).  So I decided to start with the littlest containers of everything I have, so as to be able to use up/throw away as much as possible as often as possible.  I have a stockpile of body wash, laundry detergent, dish soap, etc, from coupon deals and also from my MIL who sent me home after Christmas with half her stash, so there are plenty of things to choose from.

But I’ve figured out the biggest win is that I’m working my way through my stash of tiny samples of various soaps and face washes and moisturizers, etc.  I kept them, because some of them sample kind of expensive things, and I thought “What if I like it? The I’ll have to buy more and it’s expensive!”, but I hate the idea of just throwing them away.  Some of the newer ones, I donated, but some of them have been in the cabinet for long enough I feel a little bad donating them.  So – I’ve brushed the dust off and started using them.  It’s awesome! Plus, I’ve decided if I don’t like it, there’s not use keeping it until I use it “all” up – it’s a sample, after all. If I don’t like the way is smells or whatever – in the trash it goes.  Amazing.

I’ll probably be noting down products I really like, possibly here on the blog, so that if/when I ever run out of this stuff, I can pick which one I like the most and buy more.

In related news, mentha body wash sounds like a good idea, but is not. Actually – in retrospect, it doesn’t even really sound like a good idea.  I have no idea what I was thinking.

— 7 —

I’m not Catholic, so there were some parts of her message I didn’t entirely understand/agree with, but this interview with Dawn Eden regarding forgiveness and healing really touched me.  She has so many good points, and I think so much of it still applies to my (Protestant) walk with Christ, that I am actually considering buying her book – just to see what else I can learn.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Personal Blogging

  • Posted on April 26, 2012 at 1:30 pm

So the personal blogging has been a little… sparse… lately.  I’m trying to balance how much I want to write, and how much I have time to write, and how public I want my writing to be.

To be honest, I’m struggling.  Time is my biggest issue, and balance in just about every area of my life.  I have more work to do than I can get done in the time allotted, and leaving things undone stresses me out.  I’m trying to prioritize things, and streamline the non-negotiable tasks, but it’s hard.  Work is stressful. Trying to keep the house in order and running smoothly is stressful. Parenting is fun, but stressful. Second-guessing every decision a billion times, very stressful.

I have had a few successes – I mean, the laundry is fairly caught up (less than two loads dirty in the house) – Chad’s helped a lot, and there’s often clothes in a basket or on the table to be folded, but no one has had to scrounge for underwear or socks anytime recently.  So that’s a win.

I spent a weekend with Chad in Denver – and no kids.  Also a win, as it’s the first time we’ve been able to do that!  My house was clean enough that I didn’t mind my mother-in-law and father-in-law staying there with the kids, and I worked hard on not stressing over it being perfect (It wasn’t.  They didn’t mind).  In fact, they arrived about 5 hours earlier than I expected them – and I was ok with it, even though I hadn’t finished all the chores I was going to before they arrived.  I didn’t stress about the kids while we were gone, and we had a great time with friends, living it up, staying up late, and sleeping most of the day.Exactly what i needed for a getaway.

But the day to day management of home, work, and kids – now there’s my struggle.  And probably something I’ll hash out more than once here, as I try and figure it out. And as I have time to write.