Be not afraid of going slowly; be afraid only of standing still.
~Chinese Proverb
So I have been a Flylady person off and on over the years – I don’t follow the system exactly (or at all sometimes), but I’ve found most of her principles are right on – things like setting a timer and workign for 15 minutes (so helpful), jumping in where we are, and using routines. So I incorporate those things into my own system as much as possible.
One thing she tells her followers, when they mention that they aren’t really “flying” (following the system), but only “fluttering” (trying) – is that fluttering is still flying. In other words, don’t give up just because you aren’t doing it exactly right. Keep going, and you’ll get there eventually.
So that’s my motto for this week, because last week was kind of a meal planning fail. Some of it was stuff I didn’t know in time to plan for, and some of it was just fail on my part. Here’s what last week looked like:
Monday: I actually have no idea what we ate. Not what was planned, probably sandwiches.
Tuesday: Put bread in the oven to go with Chicken Alfredo – and then the neighbors invited us out for a picnic lunch with their church at the park. So I took the bread out and we went and joined them, and the kids had a blast.
Wednesday: Ate Long John Silvers. Sort of the plan, dinner out at least.
Thursday: Was going to cook tacos, realized at the very last minute that we had no ground beef and I hadn’t been to the store. Had a good cry, because it was that kind of week, and fixed tuna helper instead.
Friday: Soft tacos. Finally.
Saturday: Homemade hamburgers. Since we had bought fresh hamburger the night before, haha.
Sunday: Frozen pizza (huzzah! on plan!)
This week, I’m hoping to be a little more on target. I looked through the pantry and freezer this time, to see what we had on hand, and we already went out and did the shopping (yesterday). So, here’s the plan!
Monday: Manwich (to use up the hamburger buns)
Tuesday: Chicken Alfredo, French Bread, salad
Wednesday: Dinner out.
Thursday: Homemade pizza (to use up some tomato sauce)
Friday: Pork chops, rice, veggies
Saturday: Chicken noodle soup in the crock pot, homemade biscuits
Sunday: Free day – because it’s mother’s day, we’re not locked into the Daddy-cooks-frozen-pizza-while-everyone-is-at-Awana plan, so we’ll do something else. Maybe go out – or not, I’m sure the lines will be long, lol.
For more Menu Plan Monday posts, head over to OrgJunkie!