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MPM: Let’s try this again

  • Posted on April 30, 2012 at 7:53 am

Menu Plan Monday at OrgJunkie.comSo, I totally, completely fell off the meal-planning band wagon for a couple of weeks.  I mean, really.  And you know what?  It was awful.  We ate out a few more times that we should have, but mostly it was just a scramble every night to get *something* on the table to eat.  So here it goes again, and hopefully I can stick to it.

Monday: Chicken Alfredo, French Bread, salad

Tuesday: Soft tacos

Wednesday: Eat at Sam’s Club (or someplace out, at any rate).

Thursday: BBQ chicken, baked beans, veggies

Friday: Italian-Style Ham Primavera

Saturday: Chicken noodle soup in the crock pot, homemade biscuits

Sunday: Frozen pizza

For more Menu Plan Monday posts, head over to OrgJunkie!

7 Quick Takes

  • Posted on April 28, 2012 at 1:18 pm

— 1 —

It’s totally Saturday.  I know.  yesterday was long, and this sat as a draft waiting for me to finish it.  I only now have time – and only if my kids behave for more than 30 seconds at a time. (ETA: they did not.  I had to finish at naptime, haha)

— 2 —

I love that Chad is musically talented, and can share that with the kids.  A couple of nights a week, before bedtime, they all go into the music room where the kids can play with various toy instruments, bang on the keyboard, and dance to music as their Daddy plays guitar, banjo, or mellophone.

Brianna makes up her own songs, and words, and demands that we let her perform them over and over.  Her latest craze is ROCK.  She says “I’m gonna go ROCK!”, then she goes to the Rock Band drums, says “1, 2… 1, 2, 3″ and starts banging wildly while screaming “I like to ROCK!!”.  Hilarious.

Benjamin just recently has started singing (recognizable) songs, which is adorable.  He’s been singing ABCs for a couple of weeks, but this morning he sang Winnie-the-Pooh and Twinkle, Twinkle.  He loves to hit things with the drum sticks, but isn’t as big on Rock as Brianna, haha.

— 3 —

In my quest for the Perfect System ™ for managing life, work, etc, I’ve finally decided to start looking into GTD.  Power of Moms has a program that I got in free that tailors the system to Moms (imagine that), so I’m planning on starting it this weekend, and seeing how far I get.  Not sure if this is the new Perfect System or not, but it’s worth a try, right?  Also, it doesn’t require me buying a whole lot of extra crap, so that’s certainly a bonus.

So! If you have any GTD resources, or even another system that seems to work really well for you, please share!

— 4 —

I love this (Cracked’s guide to fonts).  Fonts are a big deal here – yes, we’re designers. Thanks.  Also, this (What type of artist are you?).  I’m somewhere between graphic designer and Microsoft painter, lol.

— 5 —

I thought maybe my kids had reached the age where I could take a shower while they watched TV for a couple of minutes this morning (Chad’s at the doctor).  I was totally wrong, and hopped out of the shower 10 minutes later to discover no one watching TV, Benjamin and half the kids’ bathroom covered in shampoo, and Brianna running around with “little bibles” (our passports) that she “rescued” from the “treasure box” (fire safe) so the pirates wouldn’t steal them.  Luckily she did this after she dumped the shampoo on Benjamin, and somehow without sliming/otherwise damaging our passports.

So, after cleaning Benjamin, the bathroom, and relocking/hiding the keys to the fire safe, I’m thinking the TV is not all it’s cracked up to be.

— 6 —

I’ve discovered I love throwing empty things away.  (or recycling them, but getting them out of the house).  So I decided to start with the littlest containers of everything I have, so as to be able to use up/throw away as much as possible as often as possible.  I have a stockpile of body wash, laundry detergent, dish soap, etc, from coupon deals and also from my MIL who sent me home after Christmas with half her stash, so there are plenty of things to choose from.

But I’ve figured out the biggest win is that I’m working my way through my stash of tiny samples of various soaps and face washes and moisturizers, etc.  I kept them, because some of them sample kind of expensive things, and I thought “What if I like it? The I’ll have to buy more and it’s expensive!”, but I hate the idea of just throwing them away.  Some of the newer ones, I donated, but some of them have been in the cabinet for long enough I feel a little bad donating them.  So – I’ve brushed the dust off and started using them.  It’s awesome! Plus, I’ve decided if I don’t like it, there’s not use keeping it until I use it “all” up – it’s a sample, after all. If I don’t like the way is smells or whatever – in the trash it goes.  Amazing.

I’ll probably be noting down products I really like, possibly here on the blog, so that if/when I ever run out of this stuff, I can pick which one I like the most and buy more.

In related news, mentha body wash sounds like a good idea, but is not. Actually – in retrospect, it doesn’t even really sound like a good idea.  I have no idea what I was thinking.

— 7 —

I’m not Catholic, so there were some parts of her message I didn’t entirely understand/agree with, but this interview with Dawn Eden regarding forgiveness and healing really touched me.  She has so many good points, and I think so much of it still applies to my (Protestant) walk with Christ, that I am actually considering buying her book – just to see what else I can learn.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Personal Blogging

  • Posted on April 26, 2012 at 1:30 pm

So the personal blogging has been a little… sparse… lately.  I’m trying to balance how much I want to write, and how much I have time to write, and how public I want my writing to be.

To be honest, I’m struggling.  Time is my biggest issue, and balance in just about every area of my life.  I have more work to do than I can get done in the time allotted, and leaving things undone stresses me out.  I’m trying to prioritize things, and streamline the non-negotiable tasks, but it’s hard.  Work is stressful. Trying to keep the house in order and running smoothly is stressful. Parenting is fun, but stressful. Second-guessing every decision a billion times, very stressful.

I have had a few successes – I mean, the laundry is fairly caught up (less than two loads dirty in the house) – Chad’s helped a lot, and there’s often clothes in a basket or on the table to be folded, but no one has had to scrounge for underwear or socks anytime recently.  So that’s a win.

I spent a weekend with Chad in Denver – and no kids.  Also a win, as it’s the first time we’ve been able to do that!  My house was clean enough that I didn’t mind my mother-in-law and father-in-law staying there with the kids, and I worked hard on not stressing over it being perfect (It wasn’t.  They didn’t mind).  In fact, they arrived about 5 hours earlier than I expected them – and I was ok with it, even though I hadn’t finished all the chores I was going to before they arrived.  I didn’t stress about the kids while we were gone, and we had a great time with friends, living it up, staying up late, and sleeping most of the day.Exactly what i needed for a getaway.

But the day to day management of home, work, and kids – now there’s my struggle.  And probably something I’ll hash out more than once here, as I try and figure it out. And as I have time to write.



Things I Love Thursdays! Amazon Prime

  • Posted on April 26, 2012 at 1:07 pm

So when first announced their Amazon Prime service, I thought it was crazy.  Who in the world would buy enough books to pay $79 a year for free shipping?  And if you pay $79 a year, is it really free shipping?

But then.  When I was searching for bargain deals on diapers, someone pointed me to the Amazon Mom program.  Which offered free prime shipping benefits, in addition to a discount on diapers and other baby things.  And it was free.  I did some quick math, and discovered that the price on the Pampers diapers I had been using was cheaper on Amazon than even at Sam’s Club – and thus I discovered that Amazon was not just for books, and also Subscribe & Save.  I could save on things we use, every day! And have them ordered and delivered on a schedule!

So when my Mom benefits ran out?  I forked over the $79.  Because honestly, we order a couple of packages a month from Amazon these days (paper towels, soap, diapers, wipes, etc.) – and not all of it is subscribe and save.  It makes it so easy to just sit down and order something (a book, say, or whatever) and not worry about putting together a $25 order to save on shipping.  And the shipping is FAST.  Two days, but sometimes faster.

Since then, they’ve added a lot more services to the Prime Membership – free streaming movies & TV, including some of my kids’ favorite PBS & Nick Jr. shows, a free kindle lending library, and more.  And now that i can access the streaming video from my PS3 – it could fast become a replacement for Netflix, in my house at least.

I cannot say enough good things about Amazon Prime.  For our house, it is totally worth the money we pay – and they are looking at adding even more services in the future.

Links to Amazon are affiliate links, but they didn’t ask for this review or give me anything for writing it.  I just really like Amazon Prime.

Find more Things I Love Thursday posts at Be The Difference!

WFMW: Sick Child Edition

  • Posted on April 25, 2012 at 11:21 am

So I spent Monday & Tuesday home with Brianna, because she had a fever (and it turns out, strep & scarlet fever.  Go us!).  I was technically “working”, because that’s what we do in my office, but it was a challenge to keep Brianna entertained and feeling not-neglected while I tried to make icons and update UI sketches and what was I supposed to be doing again?  Here’s what worked for us, to some extent:

  1. Disney movies. Thanks to my husband, who started collecting them before we got married, we have almost all the Disney full-length animated films on DVD and/or BluRay.  So I let Brianna pick a movie, and then another, and then another… the first day, when she was really sick, she was mostly content to snuggle me and watch the movies while I worked around her.
  2. A pow-er stick.  This was totally needed for my sweet, empathic child, who has more than her share of feelings on a good day, but on a sick day has even more.  When the scary bad guys came out (some of the classic Disney stuff is pretty scary, yo) she pointed her stick at the TV and yelled POW! It made her feel better, and less scared.  When the sad parts of the movies happened, she snuggled me even more, and might have shed a tear or two because it was so sad.
  3. Scissors and magazines.  Y’all, I have way too many magazines.  Food magazines and family magazines and parenting magazines – lots of pretty pictures!  So when Brianna wanted to do “homework” at the table? I busted out the magazine stash and scissors, and sent her on a scavenger hunt. “Can you find five things that start with B?  How about three red things?”  Much fun was had cutting, and the magazines were thrown away after (double win).
  4. Bubbles. I opened the back door, and sent Brianna into the yard with a bottle of bubble solution.  When that ran out, I made her more using dish soap and water.  She was entertained for at least an hour – and the weather was nice enough that other than letting every bug in the county into the house, it wasn’t a problem for me to leave the door open and work at the kitchen table, where I could both see and hear her, and she could run in and out at will.
  5. Mommy’s helper.  Brianna “helped” me do a bunch of stuff.  Including looking for icons on a page, trying to draw something on the computer, and various chores around the house (but nothing involving touching clean laundry or clean dishes, because yikes! germs).  She felt good about helping, and I was patient enough to realize that work done slowly and not-perfectly was better than no work at all :-)
  6. Dry erase markers. Brianna loves them, and loves erasing them.  So we played with the white board a fair amount. I have a ton of markers I got free/cheap when school started, so she had many colors to choose from.
  7. No dress code.  Brianna has now declared that she loves being sick, because it means she doesn’t have to wear pants. True story.  Normally, once the kids are dressed I make sure they stay that way (other than shoes and socks) – but since we were home sick, I relaxed the rules.  Being three, and not having a great sense of social norms yet, Brianna was very content to run around in a t-shirt and underwear.  But was super-sad to have to wear pants today, to go back to school.
  8. Snuggles.  Yep, this is most of what we did.  I didn’t get as much done as I had hoped, work-wise, but we made the best of our couple of days at home, and spent a lot of time snuggling. Hopefully, that’s what she’ll remember :-)

You can find more Works For Me Wednesday post over at We Are THAT Family.

Five Minute Friday: Together

  • Posted on April 20, 2012 at 8:43 am

On Fridays, Gypsy Mama holds a blog carnival where we all stop and write for five minutes – no editing, no over-thinking, just write. Care to join us?

This week’s topic is: Together

They are amazing together.  Sure, there are moments when they fight over a toy, or push and shove or are unkind, but for the most part – they are amazing.  They love each other so much. Brianna will hold Benjamin’s hand, share her snacks with him, or help him with different toys.  They pray together at night.  They chase each other, playing games I don’t understand, and filling my house with laughter.  So much laughter.  Benjamin can say her name now, and he calls her all the time – “Bran-na! Bran-na!”.  They love playing together and being together, and – as I hoped when I found out they would be so close in age – Brianna doesn’t ever remember not having a little brother. They protect each other and cheer each other on, and delight in each others accomplishments (Brianna is anxiously awaiting Benjamin’s “big boy bed” so he can be like her).

I hope they are always like this – happy, friends, together.

30 things to do in my 30′s

  • Posted on April 19, 2012 at 12:24 pm

So after I posted all the stuff I did in my 20′s, I started thinking about what I want to do in the next ten years.  A little more definite that a bucket list, here’s 30 things I’d like to accomplish in my 30′s.

  1. Travel across the Atlantic.
  2. Enroll my kids in (public) school.
  3. Vacation without my kids (got this one covered, took a weekend earlier this month to go to Denver!)
  4. Get back in shape – not a number on the scale, but to a point I feel healthy.
  5. Learn to eat healthy.
  6. Teach my kids to like veggies (ha!)
  7. Buy new couches.
  8. Store/get rid of the last of the baby furniture.
  9. Get my hormones under control.
  10. Hang more art on my walls.
  11. Make more handmade gifts.
  12. Teach my kids to do chores.
  13. Finish learning how to keep up with the housework.
  14. Get promoted.
  15. Scuba dive.
  16. Visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (totally got this one in the bag, to – in September!).
  17. Find a good sleep schedule and stick to it.
  18. Be consistent with my skin care.
  19. Learn to bake real bread (the kind that requires yeast).
  20. Wear makeup to work more often – even if it’s just lipstick.
  21. Seek out at least one fun activity for the kids every month.
  22. Take blue bonnet pictures of my kids every year, like a real Texan.
  23. Crochet something that’s not square.
  24. Make my house the “fun” house for my kids and their friends.
  25. Take at least one trip a year to see friends or family not in our hometowns.
  26. Finally make it to Homecoming or Super Bulldog Weekend, with the kids.
  27. Take the kids on a road trip (or several).
  28. Go camping.
  29. Run a 5k.
  30. Run a 10k.

Things I Love Thursdays! LUSH Cosmetics

  • Posted on April 19, 2012 at 10:30 am

Yay!  I’m so happy Things I Love Thursdays has a new home at Be The Difference!

I love so many things by LUSH Cosmetics, but I am seriously in love with their Retread conditioner. It’s a little weird to dip conditioner out of a pot, but OMG it fixes my hair when it is totally dead, fried from the summer or whatever.  I don’t buy it too often, because I’m cheap and it’s pricey, but it always fixes my hair in within a week.  Ah. Mazing.

Their bath bombs and solid bubble bars are also incredible.  Half or a third of a bubble bar will fill my garden tub with movie-star quality bubbles that last much longer than the hot water :-)   And they smell amazing, and are made out of happy-hippy-organic stuff.

LUSH is definitely my go to for pampering bath/shower/hair supplies.  I just ordered some face wash and toner from them, too, on the advice of a friend – so I’m sure I’ll have more to talk about in a few weeks!

No one paid me or gave me anything free for saying nice things about LUSH.  I just say them anyway!

WFMW: Lysol Healthy Touch Hand Soap

  • Posted on April 4, 2012 at 7:07 am

So I bought this Lysol no-touch soap dispenser thingy because it was on sale, and I had a coupon for it, and it seemed like a good idea at the time, and yeah, it was probably free or something. Annnnnnd it sat on the shelf for a month or two or five.  Until. A week or two ago, I decided that it would be awesome for the kitchen. Because I cook, with real meat, all the time, and the pump soap dispensers are a pain because you have to wash your hands and then wash the soap container and raw meat, eww.

Y’all.  This is the best invention ever for the kitchen.  No lie, I feel like I’m less likely to spread germs and food-borne illnesses all over my kitchen via the hand soap, and it works amazingly well.  Plus – it makes me feel all techy to have a magic soap dispenser.  It’s the little things, I swear. I haven’t had any “misfires” or wasted soap – the only drawbacks I can see are that 1) you have to buy their refills, and 2) it squirts out a little more soap than I might use otherwise.

No one paid me for saying any of these nice things, but that is an Amazon affiliate link. Not that I would recommend you buy this particular product form them, as it’s priced a little high, but whatever.

So yes, not touching the soap dispenser works for me. Yay!

You can find more Works For Me Wednesday post over at We Are THAT Family.

20 things I did in my 20′s

  • Posted on April 3, 2012 at 9:41 am
  1. Got engaged.
  2. Got my Bachelor’s degree.
  3. Married my best friend.
  4. Acquired a new set of family.
  5. Took my first cruise.
  6. Traveled outside the country.
  7. Learned to love usability.
  8. Got my Master’s Degree.
  9. Moved to Texas.
  10. Started work at Halliburton.
  11. Found a church home.
  12. Bought a house.
  13. Discovered I’m not ready for a PhD.
  14. Took my first Disney cruise.
  15. Evacuated from/survived a hurricane.
  16. Had a baby girl, only one day late for Chad’s “baby before he turns 30″ goal :-)
  17. Learned how to be a mom (still learning).
  18. Became an Aunt.
  19. Had another baby, this time a boy.
  20. Finally started learning how to keep up with the housework (also still a work in progress).

I’m starting my 30′s about 40 pounds heavier and a whole lot wiser than I started my 20′s – here’s hoping I start my 40′s a little more in shape, but even wiser still!