You are currently browsing the archives for 30 April 2012.

MPM: Let’s try this again

  • Posted on April 30, 2012 at 7:53 am

Menu Plan Monday at OrgJunkie.comSo, I totally, completely fell off the meal-planning band wagon for a couple of weeks.  I mean, really.  And you know what?  It was awful.  We ate out a few more times that we should have, but mostly it was just a scramble every night to get *something* on the table to eat.  So here it goes again, and hopefully I can stick to it.

Monday: Chicken Alfredo, French Bread, salad

Tuesday: Soft tacos

Wednesday: Eat at Sam’s Club (or someplace out, at any rate).

Thursday: BBQ chicken, baked beans, veggies

Friday: Italian-Style Ham Primavera

Saturday: Chicken noodle soup in the crock pot, homemade biscuits

Sunday: Frozen pizza

For more Menu Plan Monday posts, head over to OrgJunkie!