You are currently browsing the archives for 28 April 2012.

7 Quick Takes

  • Posted on April 28, 2012 at 1:18 pm

— 1 —

It’s totally Saturday.  I know.  yesterday was long, and this sat as a draft waiting for me to finish it.  I only now have time – and only if my kids behave for more than 30 seconds at a time. (ETA: they did not.  I had to finish at naptime, haha)

— 2 —

I love that Chad is musically talented, and can share that with the kids.  A couple of nights a week, before bedtime, they all go into the music room where the kids can play with various toy instruments, bang on the keyboard, and dance to music as their Daddy plays guitar, banjo, or mellophone.

Brianna makes up her own songs, and words, and demands that we let her perform them over and over.  Her latest craze is ROCK.  She says “I’m gonna go ROCK!”, then she goes to the Rock Band drums, says “1, 2… 1, 2, 3″ and starts banging wildly while screaming “I like to ROCK!!”.  Hilarious.

Benjamin just recently has started singing (recognizable) songs, which is adorable.  He’s been singing ABCs for a couple of weeks, but this morning he sang Winnie-the-Pooh and Twinkle, Twinkle.  He loves to hit things with the drum sticks, but isn’t as big on Rock as Brianna, haha.

— 3 —

In my quest for the Perfect System ™ for managing life, work, etc, I’ve finally decided to start looking into GTD.  Power of Moms has a program that I got in free that tailors the system to Moms (imagine that), so I’m planning on starting it this weekend, and seeing how far I get.  Not sure if this is the new Perfect System or not, but it’s worth a try, right?  Also, it doesn’t require me buying a whole lot of extra crap, so that’s certainly a bonus.

So! If you have any GTD resources, or even another system that seems to work really well for you, please share!

— 4 —

I love this (Cracked’s guide to fonts).  Fonts are a big deal here – yes, we’re designers. Thanks.  Also, this (What type of artist are you?).  I’m somewhere between graphic designer and Microsoft painter, lol.

— 5 —

I thought maybe my kids had reached the age where I could take a shower while they watched TV for a couple of minutes this morning (Chad’s at the doctor).  I was totally wrong, and hopped out of the shower 10 minutes later to discover no one watching TV, Benjamin and half the kids’ bathroom covered in shampoo, and Brianna running around with “little bibles” (our passports) that she “rescued” from the “treasure box” (fire safe) so the pirates wouldn’t steal them.  Luckily she did this after she dumped the shampoo on Benjamin, and somehow without sliming/otherwise damaging our passports.

So, after cleaning Benjamin, the bathroom, and relocking/hiding the keys to the fire safe, I’m thinking the TV is not all it’s cracked up to be.

— 6 —

I’ve discovered I love throwing empty things away.  (or recycling them, but getting them out of the house).  So I decided to start with the littlest containers of everything I have, so as to be able to use up/throw away as much as possible as often as possible.  I have a stockpile of body wash, laundry detergent, dish soap, etc, from coupon deals and also from my MIL who sent me home after Christmas with half her stash, so there are plenty of things to choose from.

But I’ve figured out the biggest win is that I’m working my way through my stash of tiny samples of various soaps and face washes and moisturizers, etc.  I kept them, because some of them sample kind of expensive things, and I thought “What if I like it? The I’ll have to buy more and it’s expensive!”, but I hate the idea of just throwing them away.  Some of the newer ones, I donated, but some of them have been in the cabinet for long enough I feel a little bad donating them.  So – I’ve brushed the dust off and started using them.  It’s awesome! Plus, I’ve decided if I don’t like it, there’s not use keeping it until I use it “all” up – it’s a sample, after all. If I don’t like the way is smells or whatever – in the trash it goes.  Amazing.

I’ll probably be noting down products I really like, possibly here on the blog, so that if/when I ever run out of this stuff, I can pick which one I like the most and buy more.

In related news, mentha body wash sounds like a good idea, but is not. Actually – in retrospect, it doesn’t even really sound like a good idea.  I have no idea what I was thinking.

— 7 —

I’m not Catholic, so there were some parts of her message I didn’t entirely understand/agree with, but this interview with Dawn Eden regarding forgiveness and healing really touched me.  She has so many good points, and I think so much of it still applies to my (Protestant) walk with Christ, that I am actually considering buying her book – just to see what else I can learn.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!