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Things I Love Thursdays: Android Apps

  • Posted on May 17, 2012 at 1:02 pm

So I published something similar to this a year or so ago, but it was removed as part of my blog purging.  So, I’ve revised it, and I’m posing it again.

I love my phone. Love, love, love.  And in my quest to stay on top of everything in my life – it is one of my greatest tools. I use it for everything (except meal planning.  Tried that, but prefer the new post-it system).  Here are some of the apps I use to keep track of all the crazy.

Google Calendar (built into Android OS). I have it set to synch with my work calendar, and Chad’s work calendar.  Mine works really well – Chad’s schedule is a little too fluid to depend on being completely correct – but it gives me a rough idea of what’s going on.

Astrid Tasks (free).  I keep my to do list here – all of it, including recurring tasks that I’m trying to make habits (like the laundry, dishes, meal planning, etc).  You can enter tasks without a due date, schedule a due date (and time, if you want), and set up recurrence if you want.  It includes reminders, which drive Chad nuts because my phone is buzzing ALL THE TIME. But – I can tell at a glance what I need to do right now, and what I’m behind or ahead on.  There are a ton of features I don’t use, like tagging tasks to put them in separate lists, etc.  I’ve heard this works really great with GTD – haven’t incorporated it yet, but I’m working on it.

My Pantry 2 ($0.99).  To be honest, I’m still working on getting this list up to date, and keeping it that way.  But!  I love the idea of it! There is a free version of this app, but I bought the full version so I could use the cool UPC scanner functionality.  Basically, this app holds my pantry (and fridge, and freezer) inventory.  So when I’m at the store, and decide I need something that isn’t on my list – I can double check and see if we already have 4 of them sitting in the pantry.  UPC scanning makes it pretty quick to add things to the list, and I love knowing what I have – it makes meal planning easier as well, as I can plan around what we have and save some money at the store.  It also has features to make a grocery list, but I don’t use it because I use…

Grocery IQ (free). You can add things to your list by scanning the UPC (I’m totally a sucker for scanning UPCs, y’all.  It makes me feel all techy and stuff).  You can set up multiple lists for multiple stores, and you can organize each list by how your store is laid out. You can also put in a price, so you can use the app as your price book for often purchased items. So many great features. As you check items off your list on the store, it hides them so you don’t have to hunt through all the checked off items and risk missing the one more thing you need (I do this all the time with paper lists).   Oh, and the best part? My list is shared to Chad’s phone as well, so he can add or update thing – and, if needed, I can quickly email or text message a copy of list to Chad, if he’s stopping on the way home from work and I don’t want to have to depend on him to check the app.

So there you go – four apps I love!  If only there was an app that would actually do my housework…

For more Things I Love Thursdays, head over to Be The Difference!