You are currently browsing the archives for 2 May 2012.

WFMW: Laundry Soap Hack

  • Posted on May 2, 2012 at 9:28 pm

It’s not really a “hack”, I guess, so much as a tip that I found life alteringly profound when I discovered it (seriously, people.  It’s the little things).

So  I discovered this at my cousin’s house over Christmas, watching her do a load of laundry. She pulled the liquid soap off the shelf – and instead of pouring the soap into the lid, and then trying to rinse out the lid in the washer and put it back on the bottle (my method) – she got an extra lid off the shelf, poured the soap in, poured it into the washer – and dropped the extra lid in the washer.  The clean lid went back on the soap, and she got the extra lid out of the washer when she put the clothes in the dryer.  Totally. Genius.  No more stick laundry soap bottles or drippy lids.

I improved on it slightly when I got home by marking the fill line in the extra lid with a sharpie.  Now I know exactly how much soap to put in, and it works every time.  The line hasn’t washed out, either, and it’s been a couple of months.

So that’s my totally genius laundry hack.

Hello Mornings!

  • Posted on May 2, 2012 at 8:11 am

So I’ve done this Hello Mornings thing a couple of times, and done well some of the time, and fell off the wagon some of the time (welcome to my life, yo).   But it’s back!  For summer!  And my mornings are awful right now.  So I’m jumping back on the wagon, and hoping to get-er-done this time :-)

Here’s the link to register if you want more.  It’s geared towards moms, but who doesn’t need a good motivation to get up a little earlier, have a good morning, and spend some time with God?