You are currently browsing the archives for 12 March 2012.

Starting over…

  • Posted on March 12, 2012 at 10:46 am

So I stopped writing here. I could say that it was because I have no time, or because there’s not much to say, and either would be true enough I suppose.  But the truth is, I started feeling kind of weighed down by the baggage my blog was carrying – I have been blogging (off and on – more off than on recently) for almost 10 years, and the entire backlog of that was in these archives.

I’ve changed a lot as a person in the last 10 years, for better or worse.  And I started thinking maybe I do’t need to drag around 10 years of my past history all the time.  Plus, I tend to write more when things are bad or I’m upset (free therapy!), and so a great deal of my archives is full of negativity.  Drama.  Nightmares.  Angst.

So.  I set all my old posts, before today, to Private.  I couldn’t bring myself to delete them (yes, I have trouble getting rid of things – that’s a post for another day).  But I feel like I’m starting over, with a clean blog slate.

I am not promising to write every day, or every week, or anything I can’t live up to.  I’m just hoping this is a step in the right direction, a step towards getting back into writing.  I may be playing with layout in the next few months, as well as trying to find my voice again.  Bear with me?