You are currently browsing the archives for 13 March 2012.

In the middle of the crazy / God your love is so amazing

  • Posted on March 13, 2012 at 8:09 am

Man, I love me some Mandisa. I mean, seriously. I can’t think of a song of hers I don’t like at this point, and she certainly has a way of coming up with lyrics that reach my right where I am.  Like last week.

It was amazingly crazy.  Monday, I went to work, but came home before lunch because I was sick.  To be fair, I had been getting sick since Friday or so, but refused to admit it, and decided to CLEAN ALL THE THINGS!!! over the weekend. Note to future self: do not clean all the things when you are getting sick.  Maybe just clean some of them, ok? So yeah, pretty much spent the day in bed.

Anyway.  Tuesday, I worked from home, still sick.  Wednesday I was feeling better, but was taking a vacation day so that Brianna could have her ear tubes removed…  except she was sick (not the same thing I had, naturally).  So we came home with her, and spent the day pushing fluids and tylenol and motrin and let me tell you, it was not awesome.

Thursday, she seemed better, so I sent her to school (um, bad mommy?).  She promptly threw up all over the place, and started running a fever, so I raced home again. And stayed home the day with her, trying to work, but not really succeeding.  Friday, Chad stayed home with still-sick Brianna as I frantically tried to get a weeks worth of work done in a day (fail).

There was a lot of crazy. And there were times that I was totally lost in it, overwhelmed and not sure I would survive.  But. There were also times, the times I made it a point to count my blessings and remember to trust God, that I knew that everything would work out.  And you know what? It did.  Brianna’s surgery will be rescheduled, possibly the same day as Benjamin’s ear tube placement (if he needs it).  My work will get done.  The house is actually a little cleaner today than it was last week (Chad helped a lot).  Somehow I’m caught up on laundry.  Slowly, I’m starting to see that it really does all work out (very slowly.  I’m stubborn).

So yeah.  The Lord really met me in the madness this past week, and I’m very thankful.

I never liked Mondays or bad news
Or breakin’ in new shoes
And mornings when I can’t find my phone
Nobody likes traffic or short nights
Or situps or long flights
But sometimes that’s just the way it goes
It’s funny what you use to help me grow…

So I’ll learn to love these days
Life along the way
In the middle of the crazy
God your love is so amazing
Through the ups and downs
You’re the only hope I’ve found
Lord you meet me in the madness

I’ll learn to love these days
I’ll learn to love these days

I can see a silver linin
When the sun’s not shinin’
Even when you choose to bring the rain
Oh, but I’m trustin your leadin’
‘Cause your Lord of all my joy and all my pain

So I’ll learn to love these days
Life along the way
In the middle of the crazy
God, your love is so amazing
Through the ups and downs
You’re the only hope I’ve found
Lord you meet me in the madness

I’ll learn to love these days
I’ll learn to love these days

I could wait the hundred years
You gave me here the days when you near
The days when I was out there
Lookin’ for what comes next
Oh, cause every minute,every hour, everyday
Is such a gift and I can say
I’m thankful for each day

So I’ll learn to love these days
Life along the way
In the middle of the crazy
God, your love is so amazing
Through the ups and downs
You’re the only hope I’ve found
Lord you meet me in the madness

I’ll learn to love these days
I’ll learn to love these days

~These Days, Mandisa